Registration Market Research Market Research July 7, 2023 May 5, 2023 Free Registration Order Number Email Address Zip Code County Password Confirm Password Terms Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Joining a legal pre-trial focus group or mock trial gives you a chance to participate in a thought-provoking, opinion giving debate. This legal process lets your voice be heard in real-life legal cases. You can also earn $15 to $30 per hour depending upon the type and length of the study. Some studies will be in-person and some studies you can attend virtually. To participate, you just need a stable internet connection and a device with a working video camera and microphone. After you complete the application, one of our team members will then reach out to you. We are flexible based on your schedule. Next, we will ask about your availability so that we can match you to a focus group or mock trial that fits your busy life. Please note that confidentiality is maintained through the use of non-disclosure agreements. Last Name * First Name * Street Address * Phone * Birthday (Click on top date bar to change month / year.) * Gender Male Female Do you have a valid driver’s license? * Yes No What days are you available to attend a research project? * M T W TH F S Research sessions are videotaped. Are you willing to be videotaped? * Yes No You will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Are you willing to sign the agreement? * Yes No Have you been a Lerner & Rowe, P.C. client? * Yes No Do you live with daily physical pain? * Yes No What type of studies are you interested in joining? * In-person focus groups Mock trials Virtual studies only Phone surveys only Where do you work? (If retired, where did you work just before you retired?) What kind of work do you do? * What is or was your most recent job title? * What do or did you like most about your job? What do or did you like least? * Please state any other jobs you have had in the last five years. What level of school did you reach? Describe any degrees you have received. * Are you married? (If yes, what type of work does your spouse do? If he/she is retired, what was the nature of the work he/she did prior to retirement?) If you have children, please state their ages, if they work, and their occupation. Who are the members of your household (spouse, children, grandparents, grandchildren, etc.; do not list any names)? What do they do for work? Have you ever served in the military? If yes, which branch and for how long? Have you ever served on a jury before? If yes, please state the type of case, whether it was in state or federal court, whether a verdict was reached and, without stating what your verdict was, what was the verdict of the jury? If applicable, is there anything in your previous jury service that would influence you in deciding the issues in the case that might be presented to you in this research project? Have you ever served on a grand jury? If yes, when? Did you enjoy it? Have you or any member of your family ever been a plaintiff or a defendant in a state or federal court case? If yes, what type of case? Is there anything about that experience that would prevent you from acting as a fair and impartial participant in this research project? Have you ever been injured as the result of someone else? * Yes No Do you have daily headaches? * Yes No What do you do in your spare time? What print or digital publications or websites do you read or follow regularly? Do you subscribe to any podcasts? What was the last book you read? If you watch television, what shows do you watch regularly? If you have bumper stickers on your car, state the content of them. If you belong to civic, social, fraternal, union, or professional organizations, please state which ones. Name a famous person and/or any person, dead or alive, who has made a significant contribution to your life and whom you most admire and state why. If you could do anything in the world today, other than participate in a focus group or mock trial, what would it be? All information you have provided will be kept confidential for research projects only.